Useful Links
MakerRepo: An open source repository of maker projects.
Makerstore: The uOttawa Makerstore sells components supplies to students and members of the community to help them create and finish their projects.
Job Orders: It is possible to pay for a 3D printing or Laser Cutting job to be done by the Makerspace staff.

3D Printing
3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates a three-dimensional object from a digital model. It works similarly to a regular ink-and-paper printer in that it systematically moves through space to create the desired print.
3D printers - more than 40 3D printers including:
Ultimaker 2+
Ultimaker 3
MakerBot replicator 2
Dremel 3D20
Markforged Mark Two
Raise3D N2 Plus
Dimension SST 1200es
3D Scanners
NextEngine HD desktop 3D scanner
Laser Cutters
Laser cutters allow users to engrave and cut out intricate shapes in wood, fibreboard, acrylic, and more!
Epilog Laser Mini 24’’×12’’ 50W
Epilog Laser Helix 24’’×18’’ 60W
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places within the globe or imaginary worlds and lets the user interact with that world. Video games by artificial means create sensory experiences, which might embrace sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
HTC Vive
Oculus Rift DK2
Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT) combines the network of software and hardware components. It allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems.
Electronics station
3 Hakko soldering irons with various tips
Helping hands
Solder, wire cutters, tweezers, solder suckers, solder wick
2 Tektronix TAS 220 oscilloscope
2 BK Precision 404 20 MHz sweep/function generators
Sencore LC102 capacitor-inductor analyzer
Instek DM-8034 desktop digital multimeter
Topward 1320 desktop digital multimeter
Wavetek 4 MHz pulse/function generator
Hantek DSO1200 handheld scope meter
Wearables are clothing or accessories that are equipped with microcontrollers. This allows them to control a variety of components; wearables are usually designed with a practical component in mind or to make a desired fashion statement.
Embroidery and sewing
Brother HE240 featuring a 4”×4” embroidery hoop attachment
Finishing Station
Hot glue
Allen keys
Acrylic paint
Paint brushes
and more!