CEED offers competitions to its students who wish to develop their entrepreneurial spirit and skills! These constitute unique opportunities to develop their entrepreneurial – and intrapreneurial – skills and abilities, which could be of great benefit to their future professional career!
Student Competitions

Design Day
All students, undergraduate and graduate, in the Faculty of Engineering are invited to participate and showcase their design projects. These design projects can be physical prototypes, design plans, apps or websites. Design projects can come out of a class, research or a personal project from either an individual student or a team. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place.

Entrepreneurial Idea
Students who have an idea for a start-up company have the opportunity to pitch it to a panel of judges and receive direct feedback. The winners will be awarded prize money.

Entrepreneurship Concepts
Students present their innovative business plans to a panel of judges from the Ottawa community. They are required to prepare a business plan with the support and guidance of experts. Then, they present their plan for the chance to win prize money.